This tutorial assumes you have pre-installed ROS 2 for desktop on your computer. You can install ROS 2 by following the instructions at Additionally, you’ll need to install the Reach Robotics SDK and critical components. Instructions for installation can found in the Getting Started section.


To get started, source the ROS 2 underlay,

source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash


It can be convenient to automatically source this script every time a new shell is launched.

echo "source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

Keep in mind, if you have more than one ROS distribution installed, ~/.bashrc must only source the setup.bash for the version you are currently using.

build the ROS 2 packages,

cd ~/workspace
colcon build

source the ROS 2 overlay packages,

source /install/local_setup.bash

At this point the Reach Robotics nodes have been built and are ready to use.


If you are using a ROS 2 distribution other than foxy you’ll need to modify the source command accordingly i.e. `source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash`


The ROS 2 folder is split into several packages. Each package is briefly described below.


The BPL passthrough is the core package that facilitates communication to Reach Robotics products. This passthrough converts ROS 2 messages into Serial or UDP packets that can be read by the connected product. Each node in the passthrough uses bpl_msgs/Packet for messaging. The packet construct is defined as,

uint8 device_id
uint8 packet_id
uint8[] data

where, device_id is the device identifier, packet_id is the packet identifier, and data is a list of 8 bit integers representing the data to be sent. To launch the passthrough run,

ros2 run bpl_passthrough serial_passthrough --ros-args -p serial_port:=/dev/ttyUSB0


  • serial_port (string) - Serial Port to connect to the arm (Defaults to “/dev/ttyUSB0”)

  • baudrate (int) - Baudrate port of the serial connection. (Defaults to 115200)

For both passthrough nodes the published topic, and subscribed topic are,

  • /rx (bpl_msgs/Packet) - Received Packets from the manipulator

  • /tx (bpl_msgs/Packet) - Packets that will be sent to the manipulator



This example demonstrates how to request read joint positions from joints on a manipulator. To launch this example run the launch file.

ros2 launch bpl_passthrough serial_port:="/dev/ttyUSB0"

The script communicates the to passthrough node via the /tx and /rx topics. It publishes request packets to the /tx topic at a set frequency. It subscribes the to /rx topic and listens for positions packets.


This script has been tested to work at 400 Hz over a UDP Connection to the Base MCU.


BPL Bravo Description package contains the Universal Robot description File (URDF) files for the bravo range of manipulators.

Supported Products:

  • RB-7002 - Reach Bravo 7 (PRO)

  • RB-5002 - Reach Bravo 5 (PRO)


Examples on viewing URDFs in RVIZ.


Viewing a Bravo 7 URDF,

ros2 launch bpl_bravo_description

Viewing a Bravo 5 URDF,

ros2 launch bpl_bravo_description

Viewing a Bravo 5 and Bravo 7 URDF,

ros2 launch bpl_bravo_description


The BPL Control is a package that provides control and feedback for a manipulator.


The BPL Control Nodes are intended for use with a full duplex connection. (I.e not intended for use over 485 Serial)


The Joint state publisher node will request and publish the corresponding joint states (position/velocity) to ROS. The published topics of joint_state_publisher are,

  • joints_states (sensor_msgs/JointState) - Joint State of the manipulator.

  • tx (bpl_msgs/Packet) - Packets to be sent to the manipulator.

and the subscribed topics are,

  • rx (bpl_msgs/Packet) - Packets to be received from the manipulator

with parameters,

  • joints (List) - List of the Joint Device IDs of the manipulator.

  • joint_names (List) - List of the corresponding Joint Names of the manipulator.

  • request_frequency (Float) - Frequency to request the joint positions from the manipulator (default: 10).

  • publish_frequency (Float) - Frequency to publish the joint state of the manipulator (default: 10).


The end effector pose publisher node will request the end effector pose from the manipulator and publish it to ROS. The published topics of end_effector_pose_publisher are,

  • end_effector_pose (geometry_msgs/PoseStamped) - End effector pose of the manipulator.

  • tx (bpl_msgs/Packet) - Packets to send the the manipulator.

and the subscribed topics are,

  • rx (bpl_msgs/Packet) - Packets to receive from the manipulator.

with parameters,

  • frame_id (String) - TF Frame ID of the maniulator base (default: bravo_base_link).

  • frequency (Float) - Frequency to Request / Publish the end effector pose (default: 20)


The BPL Control Node provides control of the manipulator. Control options include,

  • Joint Velocity Control

  • Joint Position Control

  • End Effector Pose Control

The published topics of end_effector_pose_publisher are,

  • tx (bpl_msgs/Packet) - Packets to send to the manipulator.

and the subscribed topics are,

  • control/

Bravo 5 Example


The launch file connects to a Bravo 5 over UDP and presents a live view on RVIZ. It also presents a visualisation of the current end effector pose.

ros2 launch bpl_bringup ip_address:= port:=6789

Bravo 7 Example


The launch file connects to a Bravo 7 over UDP and presents a live view on RVIZ. It also presents a visualisation of the current end effector pose.

ros2 launch bpl_bringup ip_address:= port:=6789

Bravo 7 and Bravo 5 Example


The launch file connects to a both a Bravo 7 and Bravo 5 over UDP and presents a live view on RVIZ. It also presents a visualisation of the current end effector poses of the manipulator.

ros2 launch bpl_bringup ip_address_a:= port_a:=6789 ip_address_b:= port_b:=6789