ROS 2 ================================================ This tutorial assumes you have pre-installed ROS 2 for desktop on your computer. You can install ROS 2 by following the instructions at Additionally, you'll need to install the Reach Robotics SDK and critical components. Instructions for installation can found in the :ref:`Getting Started` section. Setup --------------------- To get started, source the ROS 2 underlay, .. code-block:: bash source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash .. note:: It can be convenient to automatically source this script every time a new shell is launched. .. code-block:: bash echo "source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc source ~/.bashrc Keep in mind, if you have more than one ROS distribution installed, ~/.bashrc must only source the setup.bash for the version you are currently using. build the ROS 2 packages, .. code-block:: bash cd ~/workspace colcon build source the ROS 2 overlay packages, .. code-block:: bash source /install/local_setup.bash At this point the Reach Robotics nodes have been built and are ready to use. .. note:: If you are using a ROS 2 distribution other than foxy you'll need to modify the source command accordingly i.e. ```source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash``` Packages --------------------------- The ROS 2 folder is split into several packages. Each package is briefly described below. bpl_passthrough ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The BPL passthrough is the core package that facilitates communication to Reach Robotics products. This passthrough converts ROS 2 messages into Serial or UDP packets that can be read by the connected product. Each node in the passthrough uses :code:`bpl_msgs/Packet` for messaging. The packet construct is defined as, .. code-block:: uint8 device_id uint8 packet_id uint8[] data where, ``device_id`` is the device identifier, ``packet_id`` is the packet identifier, and ``data`` is a list of 8 bit integers representing the data to be sent. To launch the passthrough run, .. tabs:: .. tab:: Serial .. code-block:: bash ros2 run bpl_passthrough serial_passthrough --ros-args -p serial_port:=/dev/ttyUSB0 where, * :code:`serial_port` (string) - Serial Port to connect to the arm (Defaults to "/dev/ttyUSB0") * :code:`baudrate` (int) - Baudrate port of the serial connection. (Defaults to 115200) .. tab:: UDP .. code-block:: bash ros2 run bpl_passthrough udp_passthrough --ros-args -p ip_address:= port:=6789 where, * :code:`ip_address` (string) - IP Address of the arm. (Defaults to * :code:`port` (int) - UDP Port of the arm. (Defaults to 6789) For both passthrough nodes the published topic, and subscribed topic are, * :code:`/rx` (:code:`bpl_msgs/Packet`) - Received Packets from the manipulator * :code:`/tx` (:code:`bpl_msgs/Packet`) - Packets that will be sent to the manipulator respectively. Examples """"""""" This example demonstrates how to request read joint positions from joints on a manipulator. To launch this example run the launch file. .. tabs:: .. tab:: Serial .. code-block:: bash ros2 launch bpl_passthrough serial_port:="/dev/ttyUSB0" .. tab:: UDP .. code-block:: bash ros2 launch bpl_passthrough ip_address:= port:=6789 The script communicates the to passthrough node via the :code:`/tx` and :code:`/rx` topics. It publishes request packets to the :code:`/tx` topic at a set frequency. It subscribes the to :code:`/rx` topic and listens for positions packets. .. note:: This script has been tested to work at 400 Hz over a UDP Connection to the Base MCU. bpl_bravo_description ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ BPL Bravo Description package contains the Universal Robot description File (URDF) files for the bravo range of manipulators. Supported Products: - RB-7002 - Reach Bravo 7 (PRO) - RB-5002 - Reach Bravo 5 (PRO) Examples """""""""" Examples on viewing URDFs in RVIZ. .. image:: ../images/rviz_bravo_7.png :width: 600 Viewing a Bravo 7 URDF, .. code-block:: bash ros2 launch bpl_bravo_description Viewing a Bravo 5 URDF, .. code-block:: bash ros2 launch bpl_bravo_description Viewing a Bravo 5 and Bravo 7 URDF, .. code-block:: bash ros2 launch bpl_bravo_description bpl_control ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The BPL Control is a package that provides control and feedback for a manipulator. .. note:: The BPL Control Nodes are intended for use with a full duplex connection. (I.e not intended for use over 485 Serial) joint_state_publisher """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" The Joint state publisher node will request and publish the corresponding joint states (position/velocity) to ROS. The published topics of ``joint_state_publisher`` are, * :code:`joints_states` (:code:`sensor_msgs/JointState`) - Joint State of the manipulator. * :code:`tx` (:code:`bpl_msgs/Packet`) - Packets to be sent to the manipulator. and the subscribed topics are, * :code:`rx` (:code:`bpl_msgs/Packet`) - Packets to be received from the manipulator with parameters, * :code:`joints` (List) - List of the Joint Device IDs of the manipulator. * :code:`joint_names` (List) - List of the corresponding Joint Names of the manipulator. * :code:`request_frequency` (Float) - Frequency to request the joint positions from the manipulator (default: :code:`10`). * :code:`publish_frequency` (Float) - Frequency to publish the joint state of the manipulator (default: :code:`10`). end_effector_pose_publisher """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" The end effector pose publisher node will request the end effector pose from the manipulator and publish it to ROS. The published topics of ``end_effector_pose_publisher`` are, * :code:`end_effector_pose` (:code:`geometry_msgs/PoseStamped`) - End effector pose of the manipulator. * :code:`tx` (:code:`bpl_msgs/Packet`) - Packets to send the the manipulator. and the subscribed topics are, * :code:`rx` (:code:`bpl_msgs/Packet`) - Packets to receive from the manipulator. with parameters, * :code:`frame_id` (String) - TF Frame ID of the maniulator base (default: :code:`bravo_base_link`). * :code:`frequency` (Float) - Frequency to Request / Publish the end effector pose (default: :code:`20`) control_node """"""""""""""""""""""""""""" The BPL Control Node provides control of the manipulator. Control options include, * Joint Velocity Control * Joint Position Control * End Effector Pose Control The published topics of ``end_effector_pose_publisher`` are, * :code:`tx` (:code:`bpl_msgs/Packet`) - Packets to send to the manipulator. and the subscribed topics are, * :code:`control/` Bravo 5 Example """"""""""""""""""""""" .. image:: ../images/bravo_5_bringup.png :width: 600 The launch file connects to a Bravo 5 over UDP and presents a live view on RVIZ. It also presents a visualisation of the current end effector pose. .. code-block:: bash ros2 launch bpl_bringup ip_address:= port:=6789 Bravo 7 Example """"""""""""""""""""""" .. image:: ../images/bravo_7_bringup.png :width: 600 The launch file connects to a Bravo 7 over UDP and presents a live view on RVIZ. It also presents a visualisation of the current end effector pose. .. code-block:: bash ros2 launch bpl_bringup ip_address:= port:=6789 Bravo 7 and Bravo 5 Example """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .. image:: ../images/bravo_double_bringup.png :width: 600 The launch file connects to a both a Bravo 7 and Bravo 5 over UDP and presents a live view on RVIZ. It also presents a visualisation of the current end effector poses of the manipulator. .. code-block:: bash ros2 launch bpl_bringup ip_address_a:= port_a:=6789 ip_address_b:= port_b:=6789