Master Arm Information

A master arm is intended to control an arm by passing through the byte stream without the need to decode. In the case where you may wish the decode the information of the master arm this can be done so. The following script provides an example of decoding the master arm to obtain joint states / velocities, buttons states and the mode of the master arm.


The script will work for 7 FN Manipulators Configured for a Bravo 7 FN. Do this via reach control before running this script.

The wrist can be controlled by the joint on the master arm or by the joystick but not both at the same time. This is configured on reach control.

import math
from typing import List, Optional

from bplprotocol import BPLProtocol, PacketID, PacketReader

import time

# install pyserial with pip install pyserial
import serial

if __name__ == '__main__':

    packet_reader = PacketReader()

    serial_port_name = "COM19"

    joint_devices = [0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07]
    joint_indexed_positions: List[Optional[float]] = [None] * len(joint_devices)
    joint_velocities: List[Optional[float]] = [None] * len(joint_devices)

    jaw_device_id = 0x01
    jaw_vel_cmd = None
    wrist_device_id = 0x02
    wrist_vel_cmd = None

    mode = "-"

    serial_port = serial.Serial(serial_port_name, baudrate=115200, parity=serial.PARITY_NONE, stopbits=serial.STOPBITS_ONE, timeout=0)

    last_print_time = time.time()

    pressed_button = "-"

    print_frequency = 20

    while True:

        if time.time() - last_print_time > 1/print_frequency:
            last_print_time = time.time()
            print("Mode:             " + f"\t{mode}")
            print("Devices:            " + "\t".join([f"0X{x:02X}      " for x in joint_devices]))
            print("Idx Pos(deg):     " + "\t".join([f"{x:<7.2f}   " if x is not None else "\t-      " for x in joint_indexed_positions]))
            print("Vel (deg/s):      " + "\t".join([f"{x:<7.2f}   " if x is not None else "\t-      " for x in joint_velocities]))

            print("Jaw CMD(mm/s):    " + (f"\t{jaw_vel_cmd:.2f}"if jaw_vel_cmd is not None else "\t-      "))
            print("Wrist CMD(deg/s): " + (f"\t{wrist_vel_cmd:.2f}" if wrist_vel_cmd is not None else "\t-      "))

            read_data =
        except BaseException:
            read_data = b''
        if read_data != b'':
            packets = packet_reader.receive_bytes(read_data)
            if packets:
                for packet in packets:
                    read_device_id, read_packet_id, data_bytes = packet

                    if read_device_id & 0x0F in joint_devices and read_packet_id == 0x0C:
                        idx = joint_devices.index(read_device_id & 0x0F)

                        data_floats = BPLProtocol.decode_floats(data_bytes)
                        if len(data_floats) < 2:

                        indexed_position = data_floats[0]
                        velocity = data_floats[1]
                        joint_indexed_positions[idx] = math.degrees(indexed_position)
                        joint_velocities[idx] = math.degrees(velocity)
                    if read_device_id == 0xCE and read_packet_id == 0x01:
                        _mode = list(data_bytes)[0]

                        if _mode == 0x1D:
                            mode = "PAUSED"
                            joint_indexed_positions: List[Optional[float]] = [None] * len(joint_devices)
                            joint_velocities: List[Optional[float]] = [None] * len(joint_devices)
                            pressed_button = "-"

                        elif _mode == 20:
                            mode = "BUTTON_PRESSED: \t" + pressed_button
                            joint_indexed_positions: List[Optional[float]] = [None] * len(joint_devices)
                            joint_velocities: List[Optional[float]] = [None] * len(joint_devices)

                            mode = "RUNNING"
                            pressed_button = "-"

                    if read_device_id == 0x0E and read_packet_id == 0x55:
                        if list(data_bytes)[0] == 1:
                            pressed_button = "TOP"
                        elif list(data_bytes)[0] == 0:
                            pressed_button = "BOTTOM"
                            pressed_button = "-"

                    if read_device_id & 0x0F == jaw_device_id and read_packet_id == PacketID.VELOCITY:
                        vel = BPLProtocol.decode_floats(data_bytes)
                        jaw_vel_cmd = vel[0]

                    if read_device_id & 0x0F == wrist_device_id and read_packet_id == PacketID.VELOCITY:
                        vel = BPLProtocol.decode_floats(data_bytes)
                        wrist_vel_cmd = math.degrees(vel[0])